Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cs 1.6 Servers Monitoring

The "Speculative spread" is critical!

The "spread" of speculative capital in the global equity market is critical.

After: The much-information model of financial market "FM 2.0" / is evaluated with PIA ©

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Holtek Ht27c512-70 Xp Driver

When collapsing financial markets? The "collapse criterion

There is an upper yield barrier "collapse-return" in the information model of financial market "FM 2.0". this upper limit is exceeded, a financial market collapses, its risk protection is lost. The upper bound can be calculated exactly and with

Failure return "[%] = 100 [1 - 1 / (2) 1 / 2]

specify the" collapse criterion "is generic and is 30%.
After: The much-information model of financial market "FM 2.0"

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kundan Work Stone Sarees In Chenni Silks

The objectification problem of the financial market

the method of price determination , the value and risk of a financial system is determined, not its properties.

After: The much-information model of financial market "FM 2.0"

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Platos Closet Payment Scale

THE FINANCIAL equivalence principle (Principle 2)

"In the financial market value, risk and information are equivalent." After: The much-information Model of financial market "FM 2.0"