Thursday, February 22, 2007

Cortison Pills Tendonitis

to meeting on 28.2.

Bitte sehen Sie sich die neuen Links auf der Webseite an. Den Dürertext finden Sie auf Online Reserve, the Paracelsus text as a link from the University of Braunschweig. Also, look at your links to the four humors (four humours) that is important to understand the medical doctrine of the time. Please see also the links to the seven deadly sins. "Gluttony = gluttony.
Remember: Always work on your bibliography and the first draft of your written paper.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Highest Triglycerides Level

log: "Gluttony, etc. .." / The Self and the World 1 - World Chronicle

Protocol - 21:02:07

- was discussed for 10 minutes.
-The task for next week: in the library go where the author Encyclopedia is looking out, get out a tape. After Hartmann Search by Aue. The dictionary really take in your hand! The encyclopedia is The most relevant source for the Middle Ages. What is the problem with the dictionary? When is the last volume was published?

- Hartmann skull (from the author Encyclopedia ) was discussed. Who was he? We have read his bibliography. Nuremberg was an important city of the printing press. The world history is comparable to a modern encyclopedia.

-then we went to room 241st
-We saw a lecture from a prospective new French professor, Susan J. Dudash from Utah State University, entitled "Social Class, Vice, and Gluttony in 15th-Century France." The talk centered on the author Christine de Pizan and her contemporary/antagonist Jean Gersaint. This part will be written in English, as the talk was in English. Fair, no? ;)

-in the post-plague years, gluttony was a lower-class phenomenon mostly

-de Pizan was trying to influence moral behavior for all Frenchmen
The Seven Deadly Sins: pride, envy, anger, avarice, sloth, gluttony, and lust. According to de Pizan, Gluttony was the basis of all other sins . Here, gluttony is used to mean not just eating too much, but drinking excessively as well .
-knowing and scorning God, as well as all other sins of the tongue, were tied to gluttony.
- the tavern was the Devil’s church
-the problem was most acute in the urban environment; this is where the peasants who had suddenly some extra income, would go to drink beyond their station (status), income, etc. That was a big part of the problem: consuming beyond your “station” in life.

The common folk were prone to drinking too much in lieu of doing their work. Clerics should also avoid the taverns, unless necessary.

We looked at some images on the screen. These images form the heart of dePizan’s works on virtue. One of them suggests that gluttony transforms men into swine (img. 1)
Pigs, boars, and asses were used to personify the behavior/feasting that leads to gluttony.

Discussed was the topic of espoused partner morality; the female may have to take up the moral slack where her mate left off. Gluttony among women is particularly abominable, as it is the door to lust.

Christine’s Vision (1405-1406): allegorical dream vision, which can be interpreted on 3 levels:
-national (French)
Gluttony smothers chivalry. It also leads the aristocracy to sloth so they could not rule properly, and the common people to rebellion (opposite effects, both of which are detrimental to society’s well-being).

The tavern seems to have been frequented by
-bourgeois upstart commoners
-lazy workers
-artists, laborers, and craftsmen, who are especially prone

When the common people spend their extra money (and then some) in the tavern, it leads to a dereliction of their work and failure to appear in church. The tavern was a meeting place for vagabonds as well.
-People should instead adhere to the church, and to their status in life.
- Gluttony tavern opened the door, that door was the.

== ==

We break the names of the authors have looked on the web.
iconography: how do they go together text and image? The space as an institution - is represented idealistically. What is inside, represents something female (children, kitchen, church) - the concept of female space, space in medieval times.

fasting was a way to get closer to God.

We have de Pizan life on the Internet and read the story of "Taverns" " bathhouses " discussed.

What was the role of women? The story does not tell us.

de Pizan was the gluttony after the initial sin, but we have learned that arrogance was actually larger. But by gluttony, we are also highly courageous.

question: it is not highly courageous, the Company zu kritisieren? Ordnung in der Gesellschaft muss herrschen, aber wo liegt der Punkt, wo die Kritik zur Sünde wird?


Die Weltchronik – in der alten Schrift.
Was möchte er machen? Abrisse über die ganze Welt. Wie kann man das ganze Wissen der Welt aufschreiben?!!?!
Vorrede – was sagt er? Er will alle Missverständnisse erklären, basiert auf die Schöpfungsgeschichte, dadurch rettet er sich.
Die Bibel ist die absolute Wahrheit, weil sie von Gott kommt.

Der Hermeneutische Kreis wurde wieder besprochen. Die Wahrheit wird wieder und wieder revidiert. So... absolute Wahrheit? Nein.
We have
with the saying "What I know is true," ended .

Can I Find The Texas Waffle Maker In Stores?

preparation: I and the World - World History

  • TEXT: World History: Fenix of bird ( y6b )

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Friday, February 9, 2007

Chyna Removed Her Panties

Film Night: The Ship of Fools

Heute Abend, Freitag 9.2., 19:00 Filmnacht im Deutschen Haus: jeder der sich das Spektakel des "Narrenschiffes" nicht entgehen lassen will, ist herzlich eingeladen!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Pro Scooter Metal Cores Shop Online

meeting of 7 February

German Day was a success, but very exhausting. Instead of us together to see the movie, so all students the film in a group or alone watch. Matt has a copy, otherwise there is Netflix.
Film Info: "The Ship of Fools," 1965, directed by Stanley Kramer, including Vivien Leigh, Simone Signoret, Jose Ferrer and Lee Marvin. Website for more info:
task (writing): What film and text together and how they differ. Is it possible to combine the two? How do you personally find the movie?
Please submit online via ; Turnitin ID: 1752570, Password: goethe

CAUTION: This is in addition to the task for the next time that we have missed the meeting.

for next time please read: Jane Jacobs, "The hazard , (The Dark Age Ahead) in UA Library Course Reserve online (select for instructor" Lazda "). We will discuss the representation of the alien and the other in the Ship of Fools, and whether and how the subject can belong to another time. We will therefore also discuss the movie and the essay by Jane Jacobs.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Brinks Safe 5056 Drill

At the turn - the discovery of the ego


TEXT: The Ship of Fools selected chapters, see last meeting

AUDIO: high-level language, general language

AUDIO: From Luther's Table Talk

AUDIO: Chris pot Walter: From distinguishable German biblical