Ich habe ein kleines Sonett gefunden, dessen Inhalt jedoch sehr kritisch gegenüber der eigenen Form ist: von Robert Gernhardt
Sonette find ich sowas von beschissen so eng, rigide, irgendwie nicht gut. Es macht mich ehrlich richtig krank, zu wissen, daß wer Sonette schreibt, daß wer den Mut
hat, heute noch so'n Scheiß to bau'n. But the fact that a guy does that, I really can versau'n all day. because I'm a lock and anger
about that fuckin shit so'n me through his Wichserein blocked creates aggression in me to pimp.
I tick not motivated, what the asshole. it tick I really do not want to know's not real. I find shitty 'sonnets scary.
o Inquisitor (definition), available at http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inquisitor
o The word femina, discussion on the origin
o dialectics of the time 16-17. Century: many witch hunts
o astrology as a pseudoscience and the Witch Hammer was "scientifically", imagine how much can be influenced by faith
o Where were the witch trials? It was not until about the last 15 years many new research on witch trials
o where the first cases à were wrong in France =, most in Central Europe ... nine million witches died
o Ergebnis der Forschung: man war von falschen Daten ausgegangen, hohe Zahl nur ein Mythos; in der Nazizeit sehr beliebt, um zu zeigen, wie schrecklich die Kirche ist
o In den 60-ern/ 70-ern in der Frauenbewegung immer wieder aufgegriffen
o In Deutschland wird jetzt viel geforscht
o Hexen verkaufen sich immer gut, nicht 9 Millionen, vielleicht eher „nur“ 400.000-600.000 Witches died
· Now we read the Malleus
· It gives the impression of science
· In Africa: "koro" is still the belief of men that their penises disappear and then find the witches and kill them to regain it
· Why are women at this time so dangerous?
o society is changing, the city more rights in the city
o women as weavers, textile, inns
o you have workshop
o you can not work at home, economic power, more than men
o The negative is removed from the woman, more justification
o Im Mittelalter in der höfischen Gesellschaft hinter Mauern
o Hebammen, Kräuterfrauen hatten Respekt, Männer wollten diese Macht wegnehmen
o Penicillin erst ca. 1930 erfunden
o Pseudowissenschaftlich, systematisiertes Denken, aber immer noch falsch
o Autoritär, Patriarch-Denken
· Specifically Text
o Related to Bible, Cato, referring to typical one authority, lends legitimacy
o Current reference to older sources
o What people have believed? Women can steal penises can enter covenant with the devil, what is the wife of a being? Sexually compulsive than men!
o You must believe in God and without den Glauben ist man auch eine Hexe
o Bezug Faustus: sein Glaube war nicht da
o Was können Hexen alles machen: Menschen zu Tieren verzaubern, Penisse weghexen …
The discussion began with the Question:,, What do you think of when they hear the word 'Orient' "For us in America the term has more to do with Japan or China, Edward Said, in his book, however, close to the East. Israel, Egypt, Palestine, etc. This was made clear and we have divided us into 4 groups, each with a question:
(1) What is Orientalism? p. 1-5 (2) What is the difference between 'pure knowledge' and 'political knowledge' are? (3) What problems arise during the course of the oriental culture? (4) What is Orientalism for us? (What does it offer?), P. 12-13
We discussed whether it is possible to consider a different culture without prejudice / tilt . Although one can try to ignore all the prejudice, they remain continuously in the background. Is that necessarily a bad thing? Orientalism (Ie, prejudices) gives us a starting point for research, etc. As long as we recognize our tendency at least, the situation is not so bad. Orientalism is also important for us, because we study, was seen as "the world of others" in the early modern period.
Although Dr. Lazda skipping school for a conference visit, we have continued to bravely with the class. With Mr. Wehner as our Head of the undergraduates and graduates have done together the following:
Vins I. Mike has a talk with Powerpoint of Hartmann Schedel held.
II Zac Sullivan has a presentation with Power Point on the topic of Jewish-held hostility. (Power Point is coming soon to the blog!) III. Ninety Tim did publicity for Flava Fest 2007 .
IV René Neumann freely Sebastian Munster and Cosmographia spoken. * Sebastian Munster: 1488 in Basel Nieder-Ingelheim/Rhein-1552 -Cosmographia's mission is to: describe the whole world that is not - only geography, but also cultures, languages, religions, etc. * The Cosmographia was 1544 geschriben with 900 woodcuts and 40 cards -for 20 years was in preparation -The book was very popular and there were many versions (moved Accessibility 40 editions zw . 1544 and 1628) -The book should also be entertaining -its design could look like America was the first (and not bad): -you can compare yourself: * Where has he their information from? -He has read a lot (the weather forecast, the Bible, literature), and traveled (by Germany and Switzerland). He even wrote to King to get info. * after we dealt with a card and text to busy * horror vacui
fear of "white spots", ie of the unknown card edges themselves can white spots -The giant ships exclusively on the right page fills a knowledge gap as
* what the map shows us otherwise? cannibals! Gold! Prehistoric man running around MOVE! Rain forest! -all exotic and different: a new world of which one Neugerig and was afraid V. break
VI. We have gone out there to enjoy the beautiful weather and Matt Wehner has a discussion on the introduction to Edward Said's book "Orientalism" out. more about our discussion is coming soon! written
with the left hand by Matt (actually typed with both) ...
The city and literature in the city In the beginning the question was asked what we liked to read. Public opinion was that the worldly things were best.
Hans Sachs has a specific form for his master songs. (See introduction and biography online.) He has more written over 4200 songs master. His life has many similarities to Dürer. We have looked Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg in Wikipedia . the island Bachi 's theme, "fantasies of the wine bottle. It's about his dream trip to this island and what he has seen both positive and negative. Lesson: more people die from alcoholism than by war. Shown the negative consequences of gluttony are .
Typical of a master song is: (1) Strict construction, strict structure, (2) influenced by minstrelsy, but all topics are possible (not just love, etc.), (3) not art for the aristocracy but for the middle class. In the carnival games the farmers are almost always stupid. The people in the city but were confident, relatively rich and educated. The Games have been performed by troops of players. They were secular rather than religious. Carnival the way, is the driving out of winter, the beginning of Lent (Lent). The singers were master craftsmen. How to became a master singer? You had to be trained by an old master singers. At work was a lot of singing. In the company of a master singer had a high reputation.
We have Brandt ( basic course Germanic Medieval Studies / Literature , das Buch von dem Walther Kurs) s. 55-72 gelesen. Die Literatur ist ein Träger von Informationen. Brandt gibt vier Thesen (s. 57), die wir kurz diskutiert haben: (1) Sprachwissenschaft ist integraler Bestandteil der Mediävistik (2) Mittelalterliche Literatur vermittelt Kentnisse, die kein anderer Überlieferungsträger bietet (3) Diese Kentnisse betreffen nicht nur die Sachkultur, sondern auch mittelalterliches Denken (4) Texte, die solche Informationen liefern, sind keine neutralen Auskunftsinstanzen, die eindeutige Auskunft auf Fragen geben, sondern müssen selbst wieder mit verschiedenen Methoden und unter verschiedenen Aspekten interpretiert - und das heißt ursprünglich: be 'interpreted' so that they can evaluate their testimony.
We have also debated for 15 minutes to see if you can hate "literature" really. Jamie was of the opinion that most of the literature is boring and useless. Dr. Lazda said that one must work across disciplines, since the literature is very useful function, not only for people who read "literature" have to, but also for geographers, anthropologists, historians, etc. The literature show us how the world was once . How these ideas fit
and household booklet (of Hans Folz ) together? (1) Have society - how to benehmen soll, die Rolle von Frauen, die Rollenteilung (2) die Unterschiedlichen Berüfe - der Gläser, (siehe Liste) usw. (3) Sozialumstände - ein Teil der Bevölkerung hatte genug Geld, diese Sachen (im Haus) zu kaufen (4) Wie ein Haus aussieht (Zimmer usw.)
2. Teil - Tugendkatalog (solche Kataloge waren populär) (1) Was soll der Mann können? -soll sich bilden, ein Handwerk lernen, seinem Meister treu dienen. (2) Die Frau - soll schamhaft (coy, bashful) und züchtig (chaste) sein.
der (die?) Hausdrachen - eine Frau, die ihre Meinung sagt
Wir haben dann Schwänke von Hanz Folz ( course reserve ) besprochen. Jede Gruppe hat eine Geschichte zusammengefasst.
Wahrsagebeeren : Personen: Abenteurer, 3 Juden (2+1) Wo: Frankfurter Messe Gewinner: Abenteurer, Verlierer: Juden, Moral: die Juden sind töricht und dunkel, geht nur zum richtigen Arzt!
Die halbe Bierne : Ein Baure bleibt ein Bauer und sie bleiben immer dumm. Die Adligen sind nicht besser.
Die Hose : Verlierer: der Mann. Frauen arbeiten zusammen und betrügen die Männer. Wo: Basel. Frauen werden positiv bezeichnet. ("Sie ist in Ordnung.")