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99cams Internet Relay Chat

99cams Chat (IRC) is a form of real-time Internet text-messaging (IM 99cams) or synchronous conferencing. It is known above all for 99cams group communication in discussion forums, channels, designed, but also allows one-to - communicate over a private message and chat and data transfer via Direct Client-to-client.
Since May 2009, the 99cams Top 100 IRC networks was more than half a million users at a time, (are the vast majority of which are usually free) with hundreds of thousands of channels worldwide total of around 1,500 servers.
IRC by Jarkko Oikarinen was in August 1988 gegründet, um ein Programm namens MUT (MultiUser Diskussion) zu ersetzen BBS genannt OuluBox in Finnland. Oikarinen fanden ihre Inspiration in einem Chat-System als Bitnet Relais, die auf der BITNET betrieben bekannt.


IRC wurde benutzt, um auf die 1991 sowjetische 99cams Staatsstreich versuchen, während eines 99cams Medien-Blackout Bericht. Es war zuvor in ähnlicher Weise im Golfkrieg eingesetzt. 99cams Logs von diesen und anderen Veranstaltungen sind im Archiv aufbewahrt ibiblio .
IRC-Client-Software ist für praktisch jedes Computer-Betriebssystem, dass unterstützt TCP / IP-Netzwerke zur Verfügung.

IRC ist an open protocol that uses TCP and optionally TLS. An IRC server can extend to connect to other IRC servers on the IRC network. Users access IRC networks by connecting a 99cams client to a server. There are many client implementations such as mIRC or XChat and server implementations, such as the original IRCd. Most IRC servers require to register a user account but a user must have a nickname, before connected set.
IRC was originally a plain text protocol (although later extended), which was assigned at the request of the Port 194/TCP IANA. However, de facto has always been to run IRC on 6667/TCP and around Port Numbers (Eg for TCP ports 6662-6669) avoid the run IRCd software with root privileges.
set the record that were not 8-bit characters, however, specify the character encoding the text should be used. This can cause problems when users want to talk to different customers and / or different platforms.
All client-server IRC protocols in use today have come from the protocol in the irc2.4.0 irc2 version of the server implemented and documented in RFC 1459th Since RFC was published in 1459, the new features in the implementation of the publication of several documents irc2.10 out revised protocol (RFC 2810, RFC 2811, RFC 2812 and RFC 2813), but these changes have been adopted protocol is not very often in other implementations.
Although many details have been published on the IRC protocol, there is no official specification how the protocol remains dynamic. Virtually no clients and servers, very few rely solely on the above RFCs as a reference.
Microsoft has a 99cams extension for IRC in 1998 on the proprietary IRCX. Later held the distribution of software support IRCX, but the development of proprietary MSN. NET Messenger Service.
IRCwx New Protocol (IRC web extension) inspired by IRCX is to modernize in an attempt IRCX for web use made. IRCwx adopted by Buzz Communications Network.


The standard implementation of a network of IRC servers is a video chat 99cams tree. The messages are only 99cams need is along branches of the tree, but network-state is set for each server, and there is usually a high degree of implicit trust between servers. This architecture has a number of problems. Des 99cams crashed or malicious server can cause great harm to the network and all changes in the structure, whether intentionally or due to the conditions on the underlying network, requiring a net-split-join and net. This leads to einer viel Netzwerkverkehr und unechte beenden / join Nachrichten an Benutzer und vorübergehenden Verlust der Kommunikation der Nutzer über die Aufteilung Servern. Hinzufügen eines Servers zu einem großen Netzwerk ist eine große Bandbreite Hintergrund Last auf das Netzwerk und einen großen Speicher zu laden auf dem Server. Sobald 99cams jedoch stellt jeder Nachricht an mehrere Empfänger wird durch Multicast die jeder Meldung geliefert Reisen einen Netzwerk-Link genau einmal. Dies ist eine Stärke im Vergleich zu Nicht-Multicasting-Protokolle wie Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) oder Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).