The opening times of the shop in vain to be reduced further notice - he has now just yet opened Monday . The reason is that a volunteer Work to be put into the operation of the store should cover the shoulders less active capacity, the recent Öffnunsgzeiten therefore can not continue to maintain and want.
To put it very clearly pronounce: the vain Laden is not the charity, not the workers' welfare and not the consortium. He receives no financial support, but the premises it will be provided free of charge. do it is a project organized by self-determined people who make the consumer society an alternative to .
The idea behind the store in vain, is the active participation of , sowohl an den Vorteilen als auch an den manchmal mit Nachteilen behafteten Notwendigkeiten eines reguläen Betriebs. Es könnte und sollte so sein, dass diejenigen, die den Laden als teils bringende, teils holende Kunden regelmäßig zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil nutzen, bei den laufenden Arbeiten mithelfen - dazu gehören Aufgaben wie
- Organisation mittragen,
- Dinge ein- und aufräumen,
- ausfegen,
- Wareneingänge ohne vorrangiges Eigeninteresse an den Gütern auspacken & einsortieren,
- das Ladengeschäft öffnen und schließen.
Sorry, but this claim is realized only in part. It entand some assets of the impression that in a number of users a strong sense of consumerism exists and the Umsonstladen is seen primarily as a way to pack without a look at the actual own needs and take as many things. On the other hand, the Oulad apparently seen by some as a possibility, broken things that were not due to their functional state is heading in the rubbish bin, presumably under the same impression of charity to unload here, rather than to dispose himself.
The assets of the In vain Laden will continue to consult on how they cope in future with this unsatisfactory situation.
Until then, thank you for the many users who use the Umsonstladen responsibly and positively, and have allowed to to fill the idea behind it has now been over 7 years to life.