Well Man can hardly even walk through Magdeburg without the loud banging screw and exercise. Only why? What is being built? A catapult or battering ram to storm to the employment office? Or should one come Trojan horse at the G8 summit Heilligendam in use? Neither. No, the Umsonstladen proudly presents: race a soap box! Of course there are also what to win - A lifelong Umsonstladen voucher for the entire winning team. This is obviously a price for everything and it really is up to the total exhaustion of working collectively. That's the whole thing is nothing goes even from himself - and that it is not a normal race, too. This big event is on 3 December, So instead of the 1 Advent - 14 Alex Wiese clock meeting in the City! Flyer and more information's, as always in the shop. We also have a trained team in charge of the friendly car mechanic with you questions of detail
(power steering, Steering parts, ABS etc) of course like to advise ..
interest relating to the Trojan horse for G8
? Sign up times for us ;-)
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