Thursday, October 15, 2009
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Umsonstladen hard KJFE in prison, Umfassungsstraße 76, MD Neustadt.
From 16:00 clock hands-on workshops, evening concerts.
are planned to screen printing, an information session, juggling, information and book tables, short films, fire show, Kufa (kitchen for all) and coffee / chai stand.
From 19:00 clock music : Schlagzeiln (Hip Hop, Berlin), Schrammel from Dresden (songwriter), Lord Lillebror (gross mischief, Leipzig), fidl Kunterbunt (Songwriting).
Monday, October 12, 2009
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Silvia Hable reads on 04/11/2009 at 18:00 in Umsonstladen from her book to apply eyes - In search of a just world.
told with wit and irony of it is dramatic experience as a dropout and the gradual politicization of their thinking. You learn various domestic and foreign know-punk and squatter scene, experiences do with drugs, with the police and psychiatry. Her book records without make the difficult quest of a young man in himself and his place in society. It testifies to the political hopes and frustrations of the younger generation and try to exhibit alternatives. Very direct and merciless skepticism, the author keeps us from all the mirrors.
More hier .
Monday, July 13, 2009
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*** AchtungAchtungAchtung ***
Sommerpause für alle. Lirum Larum hat seine Pforten vom 13. bis zum 31. Juli geschlossen.
Eine Bitte an die BesucherInnen: insbesondere während dieser Zeit (aber auch sonst) keine mitgebrachten Dinge vor der Eingangstür des Ladens abstellen.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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weitere Eintragungen
Sunday, June 14, 2009
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Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
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Nach den bisherigen Feststellungen konnte davon ausgegangen werden, dass in bezug zu meiner Person eine elektronische und konventionelle Überwachung vorlag. Their action is not limited solely to my house, but were carried out measuring and Peilvorgänge
mainly in and adjacent garden houses. Of equipment stored there, then went out every now and then acoustic signals that were perceived not only by me but by other neighbors of the row of houses.
was striking that especially the neighbors in the houses A and C of this preliminary work observation group. I could talk fragments, like "full program", "check", "generator" record etc..
particular, the neighbor came out of House A in their preparatory work is more prevalent. When asked, the other neighbors (witnesses!) Of the opposite row of houses, what they would put their trash in there constantly front of the house, she explained that it was a "range finder". Further, some confused remarks could not follow the neighbors.
This previously very strange events I was so traumatized that I did not even had the idea to document these processes. I finally just managed a photo that shows one of these Observant from behind, who was present at the removal of equipment from a garden opposite the row of houses.
be mentioned must in this context that first appeared in my living area, a Tinnitus effect, which I initially only in the living area plagued, but then on locally trained and continues to this day.
what had gone before these events? I arrived here from Turkey and had to do different things in Hannover. Others had I bought a computer, I logged on to the relevant courses, occupies a language course. Renovation work on the house were to do so
was on setting up the PC at once, the next preliminary work, I call him UWE at hand. At that time my knowledge, "0" and I was on the Help other people need.
Uwe and two other persons had then installed the system. Later, when I had reached a sufficient knowledge of their own, I had to realize that it unnecessarily to the existing hardware of the provider, a router was installed, its performance was up to Uwe's penthouse apartment always sufficient. In addition, another friend of Uwe, whom I had trusted had passed, in setting up the PC, three folders in the administration.
Because now is not the operation of the PC in this configuration worked properly, I had the router again taken out, with the existing hardware rebuilt and then had no internet difficulties. No matter
was man vorgehabt hatte, es blieb bei einem untauglichen Versuch.
Es war mir nicht entgangen, dass dieser Uwe nach dieser Aktion Kontakt zu den Nachbarn aus Haus A aufgenommen hatte. Hier waren dann in der Folgezeit Handwerksarbeiten in den Kellerräumlichkeiten unterhalb meines PC und dem dort installierten modem auszumachen.
Nun traten Störungen insbesondere in der Funktastatur und der nicht verkabelten Maus auf. Ebenso in den Internet-Telefonaten mit meiner Frau in der Türkei und mehr.
Hinsichtlich dieser Feststellungen war ich mir sicher, dass diese Leute meinen PC ausspähten, den ich daraufhin in einen anderen Raum des Hauses verlegte.
Was aber würde einen derartigen Observationsaufwand ? Justify
questions which I now constantly introduced. My second home in Turkey it could not be alone.
came here my chance to help. It affected my tinnitus symptoms. Every time I had taken of my lower denture-made in Turkey monstrous teeth during tooth cleaning of the mouth, this effect was a decrease in its intensity.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
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Am 2. April fand im Umsonstladen ein "Fest für mehr selbstorganisierte Freiräume" statt.
Bei schönstem Wetter begann gegen 16 Uhr vor dem Umsonstladen das Kinderfest. Da wurde jongliert, auf Stelzen balanciert und viele lustige Spiele gespielt. Im Siebdruckworkshop bedruckte man Textilien und im Kurzfilmkino wurden Videos zu sozialen Kämpfen vorgeführt. Immer mehr Menschen schwirrten herum, bis es schließlich 20 Uhr schlug und sich mehr und mehr BesucherInnen in den Laden begaben, wo nun Song X Gesellschaftskritik in gesungener Form anbrachte. Kaum war der Applaus verhallt, traten auch schon Früchte des Zorns auf.
Da Eintrittsgeld nur auf Spendenbasis erhoben wurde, konnte unabhängig von finanziellen Mitteln jedeR, der/ die wollte, am Kulturprogramm teilhaben. Am Buffet wurden Speisen wie selbstgebackener Kuchen, Brot und Aufstrich ,ebenfalls gegen Spende , angeboten.
Der Besucherandrang war gewaltig: ca. 250 Leute nahmen teil. Es wäre nicht möglich gewesen, allen Anwesenden einen Platz im Laden anzubieten. Glücklicherweise war dies ohnehin nicht nötig, denn aufgrund des milden Wetters (und des Rauchverbotes im Laden) zogen es zahlreiche Gäste vor, den Abend draußen zu verbringen.
Alles in allem ein sehr schönes Fest mit netten Menschen und toller Musik. Vielen Dank an alle, die da waren und damit zum Gelingen des Festes beigetragen haben!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
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*** AchtungAchtungAchtung ***
Lirum Larum bleibt wegen des Konzerts, das am 2. April stattfindet, am 30. März und am 3. April geschlossen. Alle UmsonstladenbesucherInnen sind herzlich zum Konzert eingeladen!
Friday, March 6, 2009
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around Now I have this mug. If he now uses in its R12-Combi, he should occasionally change his shirt!
entry for the
Mar 07, 2009 Tags: might someday become relevant and then some of these types end up where they were before - IN JAIL!
Tags: definitely not perfect.
you see my digital camera, they can not be tampered with. The
sees what I see, even suspensions if I have a pair of binoculars. THIS is perfect!
you while ignoring the banality of things in their "high-tec-level noise. Why push a cyclist, if he could go?
"Medion 5.0" and I see a cyclist in the mythical palace, apparently simulating a "breakdown". hung on his bicycle, with plastic bags tampered with, a little at the bottom of the wall and then stores his "bike" pushes.
real relationship with this group, crime or deception track fake "is irrelevant. the camera records it on.
Monday, February 23, 2009
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I had taken the child text from a word processor, copy, and in the text box put the google-blog. The result can be seen even in the second trial, ordered the entry display.
I fotogreafiere 3.Versuch in the text entry!
Friday, February 20, 2009
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So does it again in the recording again, google saves!
Dsind no longer be overlooked. I take this relation to the last blog entry, source:
- organized a ski Mafia-related crime, the "security institutions" not under control beKriminaltiät kommenie recent matches in the Tabestandsmerkmalen Mikrowellenlderungen other third parties ... "you feel electrified "....
- descriptions of other third parties ...." must get out of this electro "....
(also my choice of words, as described in the distant past blog entries)
- "stinging sensation" in particular on the legs ... I can confirm also, unfortunately
not record. Called the increasing possibility of "torture measures"
- very important: the local changes residence without alleviating the psychological /
physiological state. Accordance with my findings: Hannover-
Dalaman. ..
- "The heating effect," other victims: ... sleeping in a cold room and still feel
The above matches, the matches of the minutes of the previous blog entry rule out a "contingency" of the events and content.
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The last blog entry - the best indication Beispielund what goes on in my notebook before him.
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"Omega Group at archive_news"
- SchiEine organisierte Mafia-Kriminalität, die "Sicherheitsinstitutionen" nicht in den Griff beKriminaltiät kommenie bisherigen Übereinstimmungen in den Tabestandsmerkmalen der Mikrowellenlderungen anderer Geschädigter..."man fühlt sich elektrisiert"....
- Schilderungen anderer Geschädigter...."muss mal raus aus diesem Elektrosmog"....
( ebenfalls meine Wortwahl, beschrieben in weit zurückliegenden blogeinträgen)
- "stechendes Gefühl" insbesondere an den Beinen..., kann ich ebenfalls bestätigen, leider
nicht aufzeichnen. Bezeichnet als Steigerungsmöglichkeit der "Foltermassnahmen"
- ganz wesentlich : der örtliche Aufenthaltswechsel without alleviating the psychological / physiological state
. Accordance with my findings: Hannover-
Dalaman. ..
- "The heating effect," other victims: ... sleeping in a cold room and still feel
The above matches, the matches of the minutes of the previous blog entry rule out a "contingency" of the events and content.
The laid back, the blog asked protocol can be evaluated in criminological terms as a deed. It is handwritten, the author can be found. What is
emerges, is a supra-local, over the borders of Germany, acting crime, regardless of cultural and linguistic barriers. It is applicable in Germany and in Turkey.
features in the application of this crime, from a marked asymmetry between the perpetrators and reconnaissance.
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more written protocols - matches source in the subjective findings
This hand-written log at a time when I was not of this crime affected, is again a sure sign of Tatbestands-
merkmale dieses Deliktes.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
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Mal wieder Etappenschlafen,über diese ganzen Rätsel nachdenken. Schon wieder "flackert" die Glühlampe der Bettbeleuchtung. Die Anzeige des digitalen gemessenen Luftdruckes ist mal wieder unten aber dafür arbeitet das mechanische Gerät wieder annähernd korrekt.
Sobald ich die Batterien aus dem Anzeigegerät nehme, also die Stromzuführung unterbreche, die Batterien wieder einlege, justiert sich das Gerät wieder und zeigt normale Werte an.
Hin und wieder leuchtet die betreffende Lampe der Bettbeleuchtung auch kurz beim Einschalten der Klimaanlage mittels Fernbedienung auf.
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Weil nun alles rätselhaft ist, musste Hagbard C sich auch ständig . Hide
show details 15:16 (45 minutes)
Hagbard has left a new comment on your post "REVIEW:
bye! HagbardC
show details 15:15 (48 minutes ago)
SBajorat58 has a new comment on your post "I dedicate THIS PAGE MY KIND testimonies ..." left:
Now I am sure that they are a disturbed man. Now they publish all their waste also put on a third? - Drinks are they just keep them then her liver soon the rest, then go to the dogs without microwaves.
Her antics Compass:
your home is earthquake and there is a reinforced concrete structure built and then filled with bricks. If one then sets his compass on the floor or in front of the garage door of iron, it must DECLINATION geben, ist ja eine Magnetnadel die richtet sich auf des Metall aus.
Von SBajorat58 am 12. Januar 2009 04:09 unter Protokoll einer nachrichtendienstl. Überwachung veröffentlicht.
an mich
Details anzeigen 15:15 (Vor 49 Minuten)
SBajorat58 hat einen neuen Kommentar zu Ihrem Post "ES HAT MAL WIEDER MÄCHTIG DRUCK GEGEBEN Das Luftd..." hinterlassen:
Das ist mir jetzt wirklich zu dumm. Frau Schunin hat wohl recht ihr blog ist es nicht wert darin zu lesen. Ich habe jetzt auch keine Lust mehr die phantasien eines unbelehrbaren Trinkers zu verfolgen. Deshalb: "auf Wiedersehen, Herr Will"
From SBajorat58 on 13 January 2009 23:29 intelligence agents under a log. Monitoring public.
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MAN SAYS MORE IN puzzle-like everything else is puzzling to me
show details 15:14 (28 minutes ago)
Anonymous has a new comment on your post " CAUSE AND EFFECT gardening was announced nac ... " left:
modulation in this image is 0.5 Hz/12kHz.
As permitted by the host via Blogger no full frequency range, there are no accurate data to filter out.
The analysis is, the video recording, not those of the filmed recording!
I start from various sources of interference, which makes the Video-/Tonaufzeichnung almost unusable.
by Anonymous on 19 February 2009 05:09 intelligence agents under a log. Monitoring public.
(Yes, and now?'m Not an engineer, my wife can not this Audacity
realist in me
show details 15:13 (40 minutes ago)
realist has implemented a new comment leave your post "A SMALL CONTRIBUTION TO Hagbard C Hacki So, remember ..."
• High Schweissstrom bringt auch gar nichts. Erstens Gleichspannung und zweitens zu geringe Spannung.
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Von RFID-Zapper hatte ich bis dato nichts gehört. Die Technik sollte allerdings funktionieren.
Keinesfalls verwenden, wenn man einen Schrittmacher trägt! :D
Mikrowellenbestrahlung sollte funktionieren, aber den Kopf in den MW-Ofen stecken halte ich für eine schlechte Idee.
Wenn man von extern bestrahlt wird, sollte sich das aber von alleine erledigen! (Bisschen Ironie dabei)
Von Realist am 19. Februar 2009 04:59 unter Protokoll einer nachrichtendienstl. Überwachung veröffentlicht.
(Verstehe nur "Bahnhof")
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Hacki So, think about the times after corn microwave experiments the Handi. The same plays in my head ab.Es takes a while until the new vernetzt.Ansonsten again I come with my English so half way through life. Am here in Turkey a better result than "blind, the one-eyed king."
This was of "Redhead" is not the kind of fine English and so he has a "pseudo-British" self disqualiziert and I know from which corner he comes. Now his avatar is still red. If there are right Henry? Now I have for that blind fish
also wrote a "journalistic" Observation Report and documented. But I think the notes already have nothing.
I hope you've done your homework when it comes to RFID.
Now occasionally come out of your environment, sometimes useful information. Maybe there's one or the other expert who could tell me how Elektronikmaffiosi such a chip, which I should now have the second time in Kronenchema in permanent operation and how to keep the possibly disabled. RFID-Zapper does not work. Hums while afterwards, but comes back. High welding current of an electric welding machine does not help.
'm really at a loss and yet another new Essleiste are expensive.
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very serious FINDINGS - Who is responsible for THAT? The site is known, for several years. Similarly, other related Internet sites that already have the "homework" for "State Sicherheitsinstutionen" done to understand.
What I have experienced here in Hannover and in Dalaman, experience and still have some records, I was shocked to be honest!
And I am not exaggerating when I this form of crime as "the century crime rate.
The incomprehensible is that you let these criminals a free hand and more or less idly watching.
Perhaps those responsible should again apply for a cure and parent and child guides the decisions left to the remaining mess of educational work also (secret tv. Attorney aD of steel)
Because then it would have once again been able to get out of responsibility to steal.
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The separate branches back in the garden it occupies. The eucalyptus trees are diseased.
need not be a biologist or a gardener, in order to detect these abnormalities.
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Es passt alles zusammen in diesem elektronischen Irrsinn hier vor Ort.
Ich bin mir jetzt sicher, dass insbesondere die zurückliegenden Dauerstörungen von meinem Körper ausgehen.
-Aufgezeichneter elektrischer Stromfluss an meinem Kronensystem im Mund,
-minimal an Händen und Füssen
-Texte, die verlorengehen, selbst in Schreibprogrammen ohne Internetverbindung
-Muster in Kaffeeflüsssigkeiten, die ich in der Hand halte.
-Abstürze der Funkverbindung meiner Home Weather Station
etc. ...
- rern inflammation similar areas in the area of \u200b\u200bskin on the head by use of head-. - "Tinnitus effect" in sound recordings have
I can not identify any abnormalities in the high frequency range.
- "pulsating" light on the various lamps in the house
- "pulsating" acoustic, repetitive effects at the air-conditioning systems
- This pulsation is a visual and audible (low frequency)
has no doubt, for me a microwave effect, by "low etremly frequenzy (ELF is controlled) found.
Other victims must also be marked as targets. There is no other way. These marks have on the body or the home Area to be present (micro antenna systems - Wikipedia)
These controls, visual trace is chansenlos (size range below 1 mm)
That would be up to experts.
performers this microwave attacks are not isolated offender. It is group work.
response to "Anonymous"
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
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I make everything myself on microwave-terror connection with mind control achieved and can brighten up this crime, in my side.
Why should I ignore the instructions of the "Henry"? A submerged police officer, I know not, nor the facts in diesem Zusammenhang. Der Name "Ertelt" sagt mir nichts. Aber er kann zu mir nach Dalaman kommen, freie Kost und Logie und wir gehen das Problem gemeinsam weiter an.
Aber es wäre ein weiteres Indiz, dass Geschädigte ihren bisherigen Wohnort verlassen,aber dennoch ihr Problem nicht lösen können.
Weiterhin das auffällige Verhalten des Ehepartners, das Henryk beschreibt. Kommt mir auch in den Fallstudien,die ich bisher gelesen habe, bekannt vor.
Da werden Wohnungen beschlagnahmt (ein bekannter Fall), Leute unter Druck gesetzt usw. Diese Gruppierung setzt sich über alle Rechtsnormen hinweg und versagt dennoch erbärmlich.
Da werden redliche Leute, wie Dr.Munzert, zum "Pawns", it will leave debris social fields, in Hanover-Both field and here in Dalaman. The couple "Schnewittchen and her husband" divorced in the meantime.
Human aspects are not in this mafia! Since I am asked if I decades long past police issues in my blog can provide.
I can only say that the freedom I take! Equal rights for all.
Who rehabilitated now, these interested citizens? No one! Whenever such situations are not in the public.
Now to "Henry". I have to listen to your concerns. Say you out, google makes it possible.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
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Am 12.März 2009 informiert die FAU im Umsonstladen mit
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zu Praktika und anderer unbezahlter Arbeit.
Am 2. April 2009 dann sind
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in unserer wunderhübschen Elbestadt zu Gast und spielen Kleinkunstpunk.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
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*** AchtungAchtungAchtung ***
Lirum Larum bleibt wegen Inventur und organisatorischer Arbeiten in der Woche vom 26.01.2009 - closed 31.01.2009. The week's continues.