Nach den bisherigen Feststellungen konnte davon ausgegangen werden, dass in bezug zu meiner Person eine elektronische und konventionelle Überwachung vorlag. Their action is not limited solely to my house, but were carried out measuring and Peilvorgänge
mainly in and adjacent garden houses. Of equipment stored there, then went out every now and then acoustic signals that were perceived not only by me but by other neighbors of the row of houses.
was striking that especially the neighbors in the houses A and C of this preliminary work observation group. I could talk fragments, like "full program", "check", "generator" record etc..
particular, the neighbor came out of House A in their preparatory work is more prevalent. When asked, the other neighbors (witnesses!) Of the opposite row of houses, what they would put their trash in there constantly front of the house, she explained that it was a "range finder". Further, some confused remarks could not follow the neighbors.
This previously very strange events I was so traumatized that I did not even had the idea to document these processes. I finally just managed a photo that shows one of these Observant from behind, who was present at the removal of equipment from a garden opposite the row of houses.
be mentioned must in this context that first appeared in my living area, a Tinnitus effect, which I initially only in the living area plagued, but then on locally trained and continues to this day.
what had gone before these events? I arrived here from Turkey and had to do different things in Hannover. Others had I bought a computer, I logged on to the relevant courses, occupies a language course. Renovation work on the house were to do so
was on setting up the PC at once, the next preliminary work, I call him UWE at hand. At that time my knowledge, "0" and I was on the Help other people need.
Uwe and two other persons had then installed the system. Later, when I had reached a sufficient knowledge of their own, I had to realize that it unnecessarily to the existing hardware of the provider, a router was installed, its performance was up to Uwe's penthouse apartment always sufficient. In addition, another friend of Uwe, whom I had trusted had passed, in setting up the PC, three folders in the administration.
Because now is not the operation of the PC in this configuration worked properly, I had the router again taken out, with the existing hardware rebuilt and then had no internet difficulties. No matter
was man vorgehabt hatte, es blieb bei einem untauglichen Versuch.
Es war mir nicht entgangen, dass dieser Uwe nach dieser Aktion Kontakt zu den Nachbarn aus Haus A aufgenommen hatte. Hier waren dann in der Folgezeit Handwerksarbeiten in den Kellerräumlichkeiten unterhalb meines PC und dem dort installierten modem auszumachen.
Nun traten Störungen insbesondere in der Funktastatur und der nicht verkabelten Maus auf. Ebenso in den Internet-Telefonaten mit meiner Frau in der Türkei und mehr.
Hinsichtlich dieser Feststellungen war ich mir sicher, dass diese Leute meinen PC ausspähten, den ich daraufhin in einen anderen Raum des Hauses verlegte.
Was aber würde einen derartigen Observationsaufwand ? Justify
questions which I now constantly introduced. My second home in Turkey it could not be alone.
came here my chance to help. It affected my tinnitus symptoms. Every time I had taken of my lower denture-made in Turkey monstrous teeth during tooth cleaning of the mouth, this effect was a decrease in its intensity.