O.k.,Danke für die Rückmeldung.Der Fehler bzw. die Störung liegt in der Elektronik des notebook.
Es passt alles zusammen in diesem elektronischen Irrsinn hier vor Ort.
Ich bin mir jetzt sicher, dass insbesondere die zurückliegenden Dauerstörungen von meinem Körper ausgehen.
-Aufgezeichneter elektrischer Stromfluss an meinem Kronensystem im Mund,
-minimal an Händen und Füssen
-Texte, die verlorengehen, selbst in Schreibprogrammen ohne Internetverbindung
-Muster in Kaffeeflüsssigkeiten, die ich in der Hand halte.
-Abstürze der Funkverbindung meiner Home Weather Station
etc. ... - muscle contractions in the legs and arms (brain cells) reactions
- rern inflammation similar areas in the area of \u200b\u200bskin on the head by use of head-.
I can not identify any abnormalities in the high frequency range.
- "pulsating" light on the various lamps in the house
- "pulsating" acoustic, repetitive effects at the air-conditioning systems
- This pulsation is a visual and audible (low frequency) - several eucalyptus trees react in less than a year with birth defects in driven new foliage (parallels: chicks in handy-embryonic state
has no doubt, for me a microwave effect, by "low etremly frequenzy (ELF is controlled) found.
Other victims must also be marked as targets. There is no other way. These marks have on the body or the home Area to be present (micro antenna systems - Wikipedia)
These controls, visual trace is chansenlos (size range below 1 mm)
That would be up to experts.
performers this microwave attacks are not isolated offender. It is group work.
response to "Anonymous"
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