Thursday, May 29, 2008

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Since unencrypted IRC connections and usually tend to cover long periods, they are an attractive target for Visitx Video Chat malicious crackers. For this reason, careful security policy is needed to ensure that an IRC network is not vulnerable to an attack, such as an IRC takeover war. IRC networks can also K-line or G-line users or networks that cause injury.
A small number of IRC servers support SSL connections for security purposes.
This helps Visit x of the use of packet sniffer programs to obtain, the passwords of VISITX IRC users, but little about this application because of the public nature of IRC channels. SSL connections require both client and server support (the need of users to an SSL binaries and an IRC client-specific patches or modules to install on their computers VISITX).


IRC served as an early laboratory for many kinds of Internet attacks, such as using fake ICMP unreachable messages to TCP-break-based IRC connections (nuking) to annoy users or facilitate takeovers.
protection from abuse
One of the most controversial technical Questions VISITX in connection with IRC implementations, which survives to this day, the merit of "Nick / Channel Delay" vs. "Time Stamp" protocols. Both VISITX exist methods to solve the problem of denial-of-service attacks, but to go very different ways.
The problem with the original IRC protocol as implemented was that if two servers and distributed VISITX said the two sides of the net would simply merge their channels. If a user win on a "split" server, in which a channel that could have existed on the other side of the net to go, was empty, and operator status, they would become a channel operator of the "VISITX" Kanal nach dem Ende netsplit, wenn Benutzer hat einen Spitznamen, die auf der anderen Seite des Netzes existiert, würde der Server wieder beizutreten, wenn beide Benutzer (dh zu töten, "Nick-Kollision").
Dies war häufig missbraucht, um "Masse-kill" alle Benutzer auf einem Kanal, wodurch "opless" Channels, in denen keine Betreiber anwesend waren, um mit viel Missbrauch. Neben verursacht Probleme im IRC, das ermutigt Menschen zu Denial-of-Service-Attacken gegen IRC-Server durchzuführen, um Netsplits auftreten, die sie dann würde Missbrauch führen.


Nick / Channel Delay
Die Nick-und / Verzögerung (abgekürzt ND / CD) Lösung für dieses Problem was very simple. After a user logged off and the nickname were available, or stopped for a channel to exist, because VISITX all users left (as so often netsplit during a), the server would not mean that every user that use nicknames or that channel or . Connecting to VISITX a certain time (the delay) passed. The idea behind this was that even if netsplit one, it was useless, an offender occurred because they do not win the nickname or operator status take on a channel, and therefore no VISITX collision with a nickname or "merger "may occur a channel. harassed in a way that legitimate users who may be forced to use just a different name (appending an underscore was popular) after the re-entry.
The alternative, the timestamp or TS protocol, took a different approach. Each pitch and VISITX channel in the network was assigned a time stamp - the date and time when it was created. If a netsplit occurred, two users were set free on each side, use the same nickname or channel, but if the two sides were connected, could only VISITX survival. In the case of nicknames, the newer users according to their TS, was killed when a channel collided, the members (users combined on the channel) have been, but the channel operators on the "loss" side of the Split lost their channel operator status.
TS is a very complicated protocol than ND / CD, both in design and implementation, and although they have gone through several revisions, some implementations still have problems with "desyncs" (where two servers on the same network disagree about the current state of the network ), and thus too much indulgence in allowing through the "loss" side. Under the original TS protocols, for example, there was no protection against users setting bans or other modes of transport in the channel VISITX to lose, which will then be merged when the split offset would although the users who had set these modes, lost their VISITX channel operator status. Some modern TS-based IRC server integrated, have a form of ND and / or CD in addition to the time stamp in an attempt to further curb abuse.
Most networks today use the time stamp approach. The time stamp with respect to LP / CD disagreements on several servers split away from EFnet and IRCnet the newer form. After the separation EFnet moved to a TS protocol, while IRCnet ND / CD uses.
In recent versions of the IRCnet ircd was extended ND / replaced by a mechanism called SAVE. This mechanism assigns each client a unique UID on a connection zu einem IRC Server. Diese VISITX ID mit einer Zahl beginnt, die in Nicks verboten ist. Kunden können nun wählen, zur Verwendung ihrer UID oder kostenlos nick, aber wenn zwei VISITX Clients mit der gleichen Spitznamen sind von verschiedenen Seiten eines netsplit ( "Kollision"), auf den ersten Server, der diese Kollision Kraft beide Clients zu ihren nick ändern vgl. Urteil ihre UID, so VISITX SAVEing sowohl Kunden aus abgetrennt werden. Der Spitzname wird für einige Zeit (ND) an beide VISITX Kunden daran zu hindern, den ursprünglichen Spitznamen ändern wieder gesperrt werden, damit wieder kollidieren.


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