Monday, December 10, 2007
Oxxford Suits On Sale
Am Freitag, dem 07.12.2007 wurde im Umsonstladen durch eine Hintertür eingebrochen.
Es wurden keine Gegenstände entwendet - es muss den Einbrechern wohl schlagartig klar geworden sein, dass sie bei den nächsten Öffnungszeiten die gewünschten Things can pick up for free and total impunity.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
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Today we met for the last time this semester .
Our topics:
- the Department of René on Simplicissimus
- Measuring the World Daniel Kehlmann
- debriefing
short a few comments on Carl Friedrich Gauss .
a small portion of Wikipedia de:
From Gauss developed methods or ideas that bear his name are:
- das gaußsche Eliminationsverfahren zur Diagonalisierung und Invertierung von Matrizen und damit zur Lösung von linearen Gleichungssystemen
- das gaußsche Fehlerfortpflanzungsgesetz
- das gaußsche Fehlerintegral
- der gaußsche Integralsatz , auch Satz von Gauß - Ostrogradski oder Divergenzsatz genannt, in der Vektoranalysis
- die gaußsche Krümmung in der Differentialgeometrie
- the set of Gauss - Bonnet in differential geometry
- the Gaussian Easter formula to calculate the Easter date
- the Gaussian weekday formula , to calculate a weekday basis of a date
- the Gaussian trapezoidal formula to calculate an area of \u200b\u200bcoordinates by decomposition into triangles and trapezoids
- the Gaussian principle of least constraint in mechanics
- the Gaussian quadrature formulas , numerical integration process (see also Gauss quadrature )
- the Gaussian normal distribution also Gaussian bell curve called
- the Gaussian figures , an extension of the integers to the complex pay
- the Gaussian number plane as geometric interpretation of the set of complex numbers
- the Gaußklammer , a function that figures to the nearest whole number of rounds
- the gauss rifle , gun, which a ferromagnetisches Projektil mittels ( Elektro -)Magneten beschleunigt, ähnlich Linearmotor
- der Gauß -Prozess , ein stochastischer Prozess
- das Lemma von Gauß , ein Schritt in einem seiner Beweise des quadratischen Reziprozitätsgesetzes
- Der kleine Gauß : Addition einer Reihe ( gaußsche Summenformel )
Methoden und Ideen, die teilweise auf seinen Arbeiten beruhen, sind:
- der Gauß -Jordan algorithm , a development of the Gaussian elimination procedure
- the Gauss -Kruger coordinate system and Gauss -Krüger projection
- the Gauss - Markov - Theorem the existence of a BLUE estimator in linear models
- the Gaussian optics , a mathematical description of the propagation of laser light
- the Gauss -Newton method , a method of solving nonlinear equations
- the Gauss -Seidel method , a method for solving linear systems
are named in his honor:
- the Gaußturm on the Hohenhagen at Dransfeld
- the Carl Friedrich Gauss home , residence of the Studentenwerk Göttingen, Kurze Straße 15
- the Gauss , the obsolete cgs unit of magnetic flux density in Gaussian unit system
- more research vessels see Gauss (ship)
- the mountain Gauss in Kaiser Wilhelm II Land in Antarctica
- a crater , the crater Gauss
- one of four buildings TFH-Berlin
- about ten schools in Germany (including Brunswick, Dransfeld , Frankfurt (Oder) , United Schneen - mainly secondary schools) - and other global
- the Gauss Faculty of Mathematics and computer science of TU Brunswick
his honor gives
- the Brunswick Scientific Society since 1949 annually Carl Friedrich Gauss Medal to scientifically particularly deserving scholars at home and abroad
- 1977 gave the Academy of Sciences of the GDR to deserving scientists Gauss medals in various designs.
and there is also a picture of his brain: the University Göttingen

Aber es gibt auch noch Fotos von anderen schlauen Köpfen (hoffentlich):
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Headscissors Grabbing Testicles
Ein Bild von Karlsruhe bei Google Earth:

Ich habe ein kleines Sonett gefunden, dessen Inhalt jedoch sehr kritisch gegenüber der eigenen Form ist: von Robert Gernhardt
Sonette find ich sowas von beschissen
so eng, rigide, irgendwie nicht gut.
Es macht mich ehrlich richtig krank, zu wissen,
daß wer Sonette schreibt, daß wer den Mut
hat, heute noch so'n Scheiß to bau'n.
But the fact that a guy does that, I really can
versau'n all day.
because I'm a lock and anger
about that fuckin shit so'n
me through his Wichserein blocked
creates aggression in me to pimp.
I tick not motivated, what the asshole.
it tick I really do not want to know's not real.
I find shitty 'sonnets scary.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
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· simulation of an oral exam (comps)
· lecture Jamie The Witches Hammer
o Inquisitor (definition), available at
o The word femina, discussion on the origin
o dialectics of the time 16-17. Century: many witch hunts
o astrology as a pseudoscience and the Witch Hammer was "scientifically", imagine how much can be influenced by faith
o Where were the witch trials? It was not until about the last 15 years many new research on witch trials
o where the first cases à were wrong in France =, most in Central Europe ... nine million witches died
o Ergebnis der Forschung: man war von falschen Daten ausgegangen, hohe Zahl nur ein Mythos; in der Nazizeit sehr beliebt, um zu zeigen, wie schrecklich die Kirche ist
o In den 60-ern/ 70-ern in der Frauenbewegung immer wieder aufgegriffen
o In Deutschland wird jetzt viel geforscht
o Hexen verkaufen sich immer gut, nicht 9 Millionen, vielleicht eher „nur“ 400.000-600.000 Witches died
· Now we read the Malleus
· It gives the impression of science
· In Africa: "koro" is still the belief of men that their penises disappear and then find the witches and kill them to regain it
· Why are women at this time so dangerous?
o society is changing, the city more rights in the city
o women as weavers, textile, inns
o you have workshop
o you can not work at home, economic power, more than men
o The negative is removed from the woman, more justification
o Im Mittelalter in der höfischen Gesellschaft hinter Mauern
o Hebammen, Kräuterfrauen hatten Respekt, Männer wollten diese Macht wegnehmen
o Penicillin erst ca. 1930 erfunden
o Pseudowissenschaftlich, systematisiertes Denken, aber immer noch falsch
o Autoritär, Patriarch-Denken
· Specifically Text
o Related to Bible, Cato, referring to typical one authority, lends legitimacy
o Current reference to older sources
o What people have believed? Women can steal penises can enter covenant with the devil, what is the wife of a being? Sexually compulsive than men!
o You must believe in God and without den Glauben ist man auch eine Hexe
o Bezug Faustus: sein Glaube war nicht da
o Was können Hexen alles machen: Menschen zu Tieren verzaubern, Penisse weghexen …
· Filmausschnitt Monty Python
Tschökes, Euer René.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Transparent Bra Images
hier gibt es den Text zum Hexenhammer:
TEXT: Witches' Hammer (Malleus Maleficarum, 1487) as PDF
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Thyroxine Side Effects Libido
Here is the link to a radio interview.
WEB: radio know Bayerischer Rundfunk
And here you can listen to the output of Wallenstein
AUDIO: Calendar Journal on 26/02/1634: Wallenstein's corpse is discovered
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
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The discussion began with the Question:,, What do you think of when they hear the word 'Orient' "For us in America the term has more to do with Japan or China, Edward Said, in his book, however, close to the East. Israel, Egypt, Palestine, etc. This was made clear and we have divided us into 4 groups, each with a question:
(1) What is Orientalism? p. 1-5
(2) What is the difference between 'pure knowledge' and 'political knowledge' are?
(3) What problems arise during the course of the oriental culture?
(4) What is Orientalism for us? (What does it offer?), P. 12-13
We discussed whether it is possible to consider a different culture without prejudice / tilt . Although one can try to ignore all the prejudice, they remain continuously in the background. Is that necessarily a bad thing?
Orientalism (Ie, prejudices) gives us a starting point for research, etc. As long as we recognize our tendency at least, the situation is not so bad.
Orientalism is also important for us, because we study, was seen as "the world of others" in the early modern period.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Pokemon Question Mark
Minutes 28th March
written by Lydia Jones
II Zac Sullivan has a presentation with Power Point on the topic of Jewish-held hostility.
(Power Point is coming soon to the blog!)
III. Ninety Tim did publicity for Flava Fest 2007 .
IV René Neumann freely Sebastian Munster and Cosmographia spoken.
* Sebastian Munster: 1488 in Basel Nieder-Ingelheim/Rhein-1552
-Cosmographia's mission is to: describe the whole world that is not
- only geography, but also cultures, languages, religions, etc. *
The Cosmographia was 1544 geschriben with 900 woodcuts and 40 cards
-for 20 years was in preparation
-The book was very popular and there were many versions (moved Accessibility 40 editions zw . 1544 and 1628)
-The book should also be entertaining
-its design could look like America was the first (and not bad):
-you can compare yourself:
-He has read a lot (the weather forecast, the Bible, literature), and traveled (by Germany and Switzerland). He even wrote to King to get info.
* after we dealt with a card and text to busy
* horror vacui
card edges themselves can white spots
-The giant ships exclusively on the right page fills a knowledge gap as
cannibals! Gold! Prehistoric man running around MOVE! Rain forest!
-all exotic and different: a new world of which one Neugerig and was afraid
V. break
VI. We have gone out there to enjoy the beautiful weather and Matt Wehner has a discussion on the introduction to Edward Said's book "Orientalism" out. more about our discussion is coming soon! written
Sunday, April 1, 2007
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with the left hand by Matt (actually typed with both) ...
The city and literature in the city
In the beginning the question was asked what we liked to read. Public opinion was that the worldly things were best.
Hans Sachs has a specific form for his master songs. (See introduction and biography online.) He has more written over 4200 songs master. His life has many similarities to Dürer. We have looked Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg in Wikipedia .
the island Bachi
's theme, "fantasies of the wine bottle. It's about his dream trip to this island and what he has seen both positive and negative. Lesson: more people die from alcoholism than by war. Shown the negative consequences of gluttony are .
Typical of a master song is: (1) Strict construction, strict structure, (2) influenced by minstrelsy, but all topics are possible (not just love, etc.), (3) not art for the aristocracy but for the middle class. In the carnival games the farmers are almost always stupid. The people in the city but were confident, relatively rich and educated. The Games have been performed by troops of players. They were secular rather than religious. Carnival the way, is the driving out of winter, the beginning of Lent (Lent). The singers were
master craftsmen. How to became a master singer? You had to be trained by an old master singers. At work was a lot of singing. In the company of a master singer had a high reputation.
We have Brandt ( basic course Germanic Medieval Studies / Literature , das Buch von dem Walther Kurs) s. 55-72 gelesen. Die Literatur ist ein Träger von Informationen. Brandt gibt vier Thesen (s. 57), die wir kurz diskutiert haben:
(1) Sprachwissenschaft ist integraler Bestandteil der Mediävistik
(2) Mittelalterliche Literatur vermittelt Kentnisse, die kein anderer Überlieferungsträger bietet
(3) Diese Kentnisse betreffen nicht nur die Sachkultur, sondern auch mittelalterliches Denken
(4) Texte, die solche Informationen liefern, sind keine neutralen Auskunftsinstanzen, die eindeutige Auskunft auf Fragen geben, sondern müssen selbst wieder mit verschiedenen Methoden und unter verschiedenen Aspekten interpretiert - und das heißt ursprünglich: be 'interpreted' so that they can evaluate their testimony.
We have also debated for 15 minutes to see if you can hate "literature" really. Jamie was of the opinion that most of the literature is boring and useless. Dr. Lazda said that one must work across disciplines, since the literature is very useful function, not only for people who read "literature" have to, but also for geographers, anthropologists, historians, etc. The literature show us how the world was once . How these ideas fit
and household booklet (of Hans Folz ) together?
(1) Have society - how to benehmen soll, die Rolle von Frauen, die Rollenteilung
(2) die Unterschiedlichen Berüfe - der Gläser, (siehe Liste) usw.
(3) Sozialumstände - ein Teil der Bevölkerung hatte genug Geld, diese Sachen (im Haus) zu kaufen
(4) Wie ein Haus aussieht (Zimmer usw.)
2. Teil - Tugendkatalog (solche Kataloge waren populär)
(1) Was soll der Mann können? -soll sich bilden, ein Handwerk lernen, seinem Meister treu dienen.
(2) Die Frau - soll schamhaft (coy, bashful) und züchtig (chaste) sein.
der (die?) Hausdrachen - eine Frau, die ihre Meinung sagt
Wir haben dann Schwänke von Hanz Folz ( course reserve ) besprochen. Jede Gruppe hat eine Geschichte zusammengefasst.
Wahrsagebeeren :
Personen: Abenteurer, 3 Juden (2+1) Wo: Frankfurter Messe Gewinner: Abenteurer, Verlierer: Juden, Moral: die Juden sind töricht und dunkel, geht nur zum richtigen Arzt!
Die halbe Bierne :
Ein Baure bleibt ein Bauer und sie bleiben immer dumm. Die Adligen sind nicht besser.
Die Hose :
Verlierer: der Mann. Frauen arbeiten zusammen und betrügen die Männer. Wo: Basel. Frauen werden positiv bezeichnet. ("Sie ist in Ordnung.")
A Schwank may be characterized:
- short story
- funny
- moral
- socially critical
- of craftsmen written
- firm (bawdy) humor / language
- there is a high point and a turning point
Friday, March 9, 2007
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with the right hand of Zac Sullivan wrote
Two words for gluttony in German:
gluttony - theological
gluttony - Gluttony
Luther was a great Influence, but less innovative than is sometimes thought. He came from Thuringia, used a firm language - the Prague office of language. Ackermann from Bohemia (~ 1501) was Prague office of language. Non-creator of the language, but the further development, dissemination, catalyzing the "Teutonic" language.
The compensation process began with law firms.
Erasmus of Rotterdam has collected a critical issue of different versions of the Bible. St. Jerome translated
was responsible for the Vulgate.
The Septuagint was the Greek translation of the Old Testament.
The Vulgate Bible was the Latin text. The Vulgate was translated from Greek and Hebrew.
Wulfila - NT (not complete), from the Latin Gothic. The only surviving Gothic document. The Bible is Wulfila in Uppsala Sweden. In the 30 years war, the Codez Argenteus brought to Sweden.
There were a few (about 18) translations of the Bible before Luther (the first was 1476), but they were Latinized German.
"heretic" means "heretic."
William Tyndale - translated lived in Wittenberg, was burned.
John Wycliffe - 14th Century ago Tyndale had translated the Bible. ", 44 years after his death, his Gebeine auf Anweisung des Papstes exhumiert und verbrannt.“ –
Johannes Hus hatte die Bibel ins Tschechische übersetzt, wurde auch verbrannt.
Wir müssen Tode geschichtler Personen und ihren Schmerz besonders ernst nehmen.
Wort für Wort wurde die Bibel oft übersetzt. Die Übersetzter waren vorsichtig, weil es wichtige Arbeit war, mit dem Wort Gottes zu arbeiten.
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Idee der Reformation: Man kann es selbst machen – selbst beten, selbst lesen, man braucht nur die Gnade Gottes.
Diese waren die Ablaßwahlspruche zu der Zeit Luthers:
„Sobald das Geld im Kasten klingt,
die Seele in den Himmel springt.“ – Johann Tetzel
Andere Version:
„Wenn das Geld im Kasten klingt,
die Seele aus dem Fegfeuer springt.“
Luther war ein Augustinermönch.
Nur durch Glauben kann man erlöst werden, meinte Luther. Das war sein Hauptpunkt, von seiner Exegese des Römerbriefs. Man kann seinen Weg in den Himmel nicht erkaufen. Luther war der Hauptkritiker der Kirche & einer von den drei Hauptfiguren gegen die katholische Kirche. Die anderen zwei: Zwingli, Calvin.
Die Vulgata hat Luther mit den hebräischen & griechischen Texten verglichen.
Im Kurs wird viel von Luther geredet.
Some have regarded Luther as a "man of the people".
"Catholic" was the only "universal," & it was really up to the time of the Reformation, only one church. Luther was exiled (exkommunikiert).
Luther was neither poor nor rich. His father wanted his son to the lawyers but was somehow never is what came of it. Luther was on a horse in a storm, and he prayed at St. Anna: "I'll let me live and a monk"
Anyway, that's the legend. Maybe he did it to be not only a lawyer. Maybe he has not actually done. Maybe it was a lie.
Reuchlin was professor of Hebrew.
The Epistle of Delme Chen.
Why is this letter important? - Compsfrage
The letter explains Luther linguistic matters, but actually writes Importantly, the first theory of translation.
A good translation can be understood by all (not only for the educated).
Modern examples are therefore perhaps "The Message" - in everyday English, or German is a good example for "The Big Boss," who is described as "Extreme Teen Bible.": This is the old "outrageous religious." Testament and ist nach Peters Meinung, amüsant zu lesen.
Vor 20 Jahren konnte man das Wort „geil“ kaum aussprechen. Heutzutage gibt’s Reklame von dem Goethe Institut mit dem Wort darauf.
Diskussion von Sendbrief von Dolmetschen
Luther war schon berühmt zur Zeit des Schreibens.
„Alle Papisten sind Esel.“ – Dr. Lazda, scherzend.
Luthers NT 1522 war sofort ein Bestseller.
Die Katholiken hatten Luthers Übersetzung genommen & eine katholische Version gemacht, und das Vorwort geändert.
Luther war ziemlich frech. Luther war rhetorisch sehr begabt.
War sagt Luther über Übersetzen? – Maybe good Compsfrage
answer to the question: He says he can on his "best assets" to make, but his translation is not the best. Later editions, he tried to improve it. On the one hand, he is humble, but he is annoyed that the Church's translation unauthorized recordings, but he finds it not true that he is condemned by the Papists. Luther admits fallibility. He concedes that the errors belong to him. It is his work with his scientific approach.
Albrecht Dürer was the first publishing rights in Germany because his work was popular.
Who does something, has many critics. Luther used many proverbs and characterized.
Luther used by farmers, artisans, carpenters and language.
"barrel of beer" - or "bag of money"
If you make a translation, you have to make them relevant to the time, possibly with silly examples of TV or Internet or MTV, etc. The text of the
Send letter sounds modern and understandable, but the examples are outdated. At that time the German Luther was super modern.
"To the mouth" look. The language of a translation should be engaging to readers.
"losing the anointing."
Luther has introduced many proverbs, coined new words (coined). He continues to look again and again. But
- Würzwörter - flavoring participles - "not at all," etc. They are Würzwörter of Luther and the German's is a lot. He tried the words in the Upper & Lower Germans could be understood.
Compsfrage: What can you say about the Epistle of interpreting?
repetition: Luther was not the creator of the language, but the improvers of the language. If a question about this? "Guaranteed," says Dr. Lazda.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
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-purpose, a discussion of Dürer
- "Underweysung of measuring"
-objectivity in art
- Venus of Wllendorf (proportions, what is "attractive")
-Ansel Adams
- colonial look - taking possession, imprinting one's own ideas
- with Edward Said's Orientalism connected
-Jakob reputation midwives book
- The body as a system
(- The Midwives book reminds me of this children's book , the books serve the same purpose, they say pregnancy and birth, and present the world as a scientific and regular)
- "ad fontes" - Hippocrates, Galen, for example
- the man is microcosm, the world is the macrocosm
- four humors: blood, phlegm, black bile, yellow bile, is the goal of balance in the body (one was let off blood to reach equilibrium).
- seasons, age affect the juices astrology
-time, a discussion on medical terminology and the American propensity for neutral words ...
-after the death of his works were widely disseminated; in life he was criticized.
-huge influence on the German language:
- one of the first who wrote in German
- in addition to Luther's writings was his writings, the most widely read
- "Doctor Paracelsi preface in the first treaty" - a justification of his
ideas - has soften, false doctors
- Specialization
of his profession - medicine as a science or art instead Glaubnis
- every disease has a cause-
eingefeindet He was very strong because his ideas were dangerous ...
Saturday, March 3, 2007
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14th February 2007
We started with "Dark Age Ahead by Jane Jacobs.
-JJ was a journalist and her husband was an architect.
-She took part in the Greenwich Village citizens' movement against the paving of the district.
-It "The Death and Life of Great American Cities" written 1961st
Jacobs characterizes a "Dark Age" lost as a time of forgetting where a culture is. It quotes the example of how China has been completed under the influence of Confucius. Then we have the lost crops for Jacobs called himself interested and briefly discussed:
the first cities appeared in Mesopotamia, but this culture has been lost because of deforestation
American Indians
the oral tradition American Indian culture has been lost
- we know almost nothing about the white race that lived on Japan.
the case of a group of natives who are isolated and lost important skills: how to make tools, how to make a fire, etc.
Then we have treated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "cons inventing". As examples we have mentioned movable type. It was movable type in the East much earlier than Gutenberg.
How can you lose to a culture: first
second Skills
third Capabilities make things
4th Resources
5th Property
- Next haben wir uns die Frage gestellt, "Aufklärung: gut oder schlecht?" Wir sind hin und her gegangen zwischen die zwei Seiten: fortschrittliche Denken und konservative Denken.
- Wir haben dann Vor- und Nachteile der Globalisierung erwähnt:
-Verlust an der Individualität
-Wirtschaftkreisen sind nicht regional sondern global
(Wir haben es versucht uns ein Welt ohne Strom vorzustellen- und haben beim Gedanken geschaudert)
- die Gefahr von der Menschenbewachung
Jacobs meint dass es 5 "Kolumne" gibt damit eine Kultur einen Dark Age vermeiden kann:
1. Familie und Gesellschaft
2. Ausbildung
3. Wissenschaft
4. Steuer- und Regionalkräfte
5. selbstkritische Einstellung der Spezialisten
- Dann haben wir versucht unser bisheriges Gespräch relevant zum Kurs zu machen...
- Zu diesem Zweck haben wir uns einige Fragen gestellt:
-Wie passt Jacobs zu Brant? Warum haben wir "Dark Age Ahead" überhaupt gelesen?
- "Kann man eine Kultur retten?
-Was heißt "eine Kultur retten?"
- Welche Subkultur rettet man?
- Um die Fragen zu antworten haben wir es versucht Brant als entweder konservativ oder als progressiv einzustufen.
- das Narrenschiff als Warnung
- man darf kein "ich" sein
- Brant hat Verständnis für die Armut
- das Narrenschiff als ein Ruf nach Veränderung
-frühere Forschung von Brant hat ihm als ein Mann der im Mittelalter verhaftet war gesehen
Vergleich von Brant und Jacobs
- Wo Jacobs eine politische Gesellschaft anredet, redet Brant eine Seelengemeinschaft/Glaubensgemeinschaft an.
- Beide können als eine Warnung gesehen werden.
- Beide gehen um die Verhaltensweise den Lesern
- beide bieten Rat wie man sich ethisch Verhalten soll an
- Wir haben uns Kapitel 66 von dem Narrenschiff angeschaut.
- Wir haben kurz die Metapher des Schiffs, die Naturgewalt, die Unheimlichkeit, die Machtlosigkeit den Menschen, und das Motiv des Meeres u.a.
Mittelalterliche Themen und Elementen im Narrenschiff
- dem Tod
meet - the legibility of the world
-introspection - to: travel, money lending, Jews, Turks, foreigners, infidels ... in short, everything is different
language in Ship of Fools
-Early New High
-ALSA's dialect (all manic)
- the work is strong dialectical colored
the ship as a unit
-closed society
the motive of fool
lives nor Today: Carnival (permission to hold fast)
carnival-a world turned upside down (upside down)
- The Ship of Fools is the medieval genre of the mirror of virtue on his head. Mirror instead of a virtue schreibt Brant einen Narrenspiegel
-Sprichwörter dazu:
- "Narren und Kinder sprechen die Wahrheit"
- "Er tut als ob er der Narrenkappe an hat"
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Hallo liebe Kursteilnehmer,

die Undergraduates haben ein Midterm, bei welchem der erste Teil "take home" ist. Vielleicht ist das für Sie auch eine gute Wiederholung? Hier der link dazu:
Bitte nicht vergessen - bis Mittwoch müssen Sie Ihren ersten Entwurf Ihrer Arbeit via Turnitin einreichen!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
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Bitte sehen Sie sich die neuen Links auf der Webseite an. Den Dürertext finden Sie auf Online Reserve, the Paracelsus text as a link from the University of Braunschweig. Also, look at your links to the four humors (four humours) that is important to understand the medical doctrine of the time. Please see also the links to the seven deadly sins. "Gluttony = gluttony.
Remember: Always work on your bibliography and the first draft of your written paper.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
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Protocol - 21:02:07
- was discussed for 10 minutes.
-The task for next week: in the library go where the author Encyclopedia is looking out, get out a tape. After Hartmann Search by Aue. The dictionary really take in your hand! The encyclopedia is The most relevant source for the Middle Ages. What is the problem with the dictionary? When is the last volume was published?
- Hartmann skull (from the author Encyclopedia ) was discussed. Who was he? We have read his bibliography. Nuremberg was an important city of the printing press. The world history is comparable to a modern encyclopedia.
-then we went to room 241st
-We saw a lecture from a prospective new French professor, Susan J. Dudash from Utah State University, entitled "Social Class, Vice, and Gluttony in 15th-Century France." The talk centered on the author Christine de Pizan and her contemporary/antagonist Jean Gersaint. This part will be written in English, as the talk was in English. Fair, no? ;)
-in the post-plague years, gluttony was a lower-class phenomenon mostly
-de Pizan was trying to influence moral behavior for all Frenchmen
The Seven Deadly Sins: pride, envy, anger, avarice, sloth, gluttony, and lust. According to de Pizan, Gluttony was the basis of all other sins . Here, gluttony is used to mean not just eating too much, but drinking excessively as well .
-knowing and scorning God, as well as all other sins of the tongue, were tied to gluttony.
- the tavern was the Devil’s church
-the problem was most acute in the urban environment; this is where the peasants who had suddenly some extra income, would go to drink beyond their station (status), income, etc. That was a big part of the problem: consuming beyond your “station” in life.
The common folk were prone to drinking too much in lieu of doing their work. Clerics should also avoid the taverns, unless necessary.
We looked at some images on the screen. These images form the heart of dePizan’s works on virtue. One of them suggests that gluttony transforms men into swine (img. 1)
Pigs, boars, and asses were used to personify the behavior/feasting that leads to gluttony.
Discussed was the topic of espoused partner morality; the female may have to take up the moral slack where her mate left off. Gluttony among women is particularly abominable, as it is the door to lust.
Christine’s Vision (1405-1406): allegorical dream vision, which can be interpreted on 3 levels:
-national (French)
Gluttony smothers chivalry. It also leads the aristocracy to sloth so they could not rule properly, and the common people to rebellion (opposite effects, both of which are detrimental to society’s well-being).
The tavern seems to have been frequented by
-bourgeois upstart commoners
-lazy workers
-artists, laborers, and craftsmen, who are especially prone
When the common people spend their extra money (and then some) in the tavern, it leads to a dereliction of their work and failure to appear in church. The tavern was a meeting place for vagabonds as well.
-People should instead adhere to the church, and to their status in life.
- Gluttony tavern opened the door, that door was the.
== ==
We break the names of the authors have looked on the web.
iconography: how do they go together text and image? The space as an institution - is represented idealistically. What is inside, represents something female (children, kitchen, church) - the concept of female space, space in medieval times.
fasting was a way to get closer to God.
We have de Pizan life on the Internet and read the story of "Taverns" " bathhouses " discussed.
What was the role of women? The story does not tell us.
de Pizan was the gluttony after the initial sin, but we have learned that arrogance was actually larger. But by gluttony, we are also highly courageous.
question: it is not highly courageous, the Company zu kritisieren? Ordnung in der Gesellschaft muss herrschen, aber wo liegt der Punkt, wo die Kritik zur Sünde wird?
Die Weltchronik – in der alten Schrift.
Was möchte er machen? Abrisse über die ganze Welt. Wie kann man das ganze Wissen der Welt aufschreiben?!!?!
Vorrede – was sagt er? Er will alle Missverständnisse erklären, basiert auf die Schöpfungsgeschichte, dadurch rettet er sich.
Die Bibel ist die absolute Wahrheit, weil sie von Gott kommt.
Der Hermeneutische Kreis wurde wieder besprochen. Die Wahrheit wird wieder und wieder revidiert. So... absolute Wahrheit? Nein.
We have
with the saying "What I know is true," ended .
Can I Find The Texas Waffle Maker In Stores?
- TEXT: World Chronicle: A Kurtz beschreybung of Werck the sechsztag geschöpff by the Welte ( a1b and a2a )
- TEXT: World History: Fenix of bird ( y6b )
- TEXT: World History: a text from the selection, course page
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Christening Table Decorations
- TEXT: Jane Jackobs "The Dark Age Ahead" on E-Reserve
- TEXT: Sebastian Brant, "The Ship of Fools" selected chapters (61, 63, 64, 72, 81, 88, 94, 104, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 116)
- VIDEO: Ship of fools (Spielfilm)
- VIDEO: Neue Medien (Comedy)
Friday, February 9, 2007
Chyna Removed Her Panties
Heute Abend, Freitag 9.2., 19:00 Filmnacht im Deutschen Haus: jeder der sich das Spektakel des "Narrenschiffes" nicht entgehen lassen will, ist herzlich eingeladen!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
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German Day was a success, but very exhausting. Instead of us together to see the movie, so all students the film in a group or alone watch. Matt has a copy, otherwise there is Netflix.
Film Info: "The Ship of Fools," 1965, directed by Stanley Kramer, including Vivien Leigh, Simone Signoret, Jose Ferrer and Lee Marvin. Website for more info:
task (writing): What film and text together and how they differ. Is it possible to combine the two? How do you personally find the movie?
Please submit online via ; Turnitin ID: 1752570, Password: goethe
CAUTION: This is in addition to the task for the next time that we have missed the meeting.
for next time please read: Jane Jacobs, "The hazard , (The Dark Age Ahead) in UA Library Course Reserve online (select for instructor" Lazda "). We will discuss the representation of the alien and the other in the Ship of Fools, and whether and how the subject can belong to another time. We will therefore also discuss the movie and the essay by Jane Jacobs.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Brinks Safe 5056 Drill
TEXT: The Ship of Fools selected chapters, see last meeting
AUDIO: high-level language, general language
AUDIO: From Luther's Table Talk
AUDIO: Chris pot Walter: From distinguishable German biblical
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Win The Lost At Any Costmusic
▼ back umlaut is the vowel change in the past tense of some weak verbs burn (- burned )
• Return Umlaut: by assimilation of the other weak verbs, the return umlaut is omitted
• ablaut : all Germanic languages \u200b\u200btogether: going sound change in past tense and past participle of strong verbs (- went - gone)
• Mixed verbs: run, think, , call
• many verbs was the weak verbs dominate
• Education based education is a own booth
by feudal system to a caste society
by formation one standing win
• much is German , but also many Latin - are weak words
• in 1519 only 10% of all books in German
• 1770 still 14% in Latin
▼ born Sebastian Brant
• 1458-1521 died
• son of an artisan
• Strasbourg
studies • City Clerk Basel •
then call back nach Strassburg
• Jurist
▼ Das Narrenschiff
• 1494 entstanden (2 Jahre nach der Entdeckung Amerikas); aber vermutlich kein Bezug zu Kolumbus
• erster europäischer Bestseller
• viele Holzschnitte (viele von Dürer )
Dürer war auf Reisen und hat nur kurz in Basel geholfen
• erste Übersetzung ins Latein; dann in andere Sprachen
▼ viele Mittelalterliche Motive, die das Werk mit dem Mittelalter verbinden
• Konfrontation mit dem Tod
• Selbstbesinnung
• Glauben in God
• to travel without a goal against the
• Borrow money from Jews
• against the Turks (against all the fools Because foreign); against everything that is different
• German literature after Latin model (syntax)
• written in the Alsatian dialect, • many dialect expressions (Alemannisch)
▼ Ship of Fools
the fool is found anywhere
• he does not consider the virtue mirror but the fools mirror vor
• war Brant konservativ? Bezieht er sich in das Narrenspiel mit ein?
▼ Holzschnitte im Narrenschiff
• sehr aufwändig
• anschaulich und aussagekräftig
• Bilder mit vielen Symbolen (Symbole nötig zur Kommunikation, da viele nicht lesen konnten) ABER: Kontext heute oft vergessen
• Verbildlichung des Textes für die Analphabeten
• Bilder waren nur sehr sehr selten zu finden, v.a. in Klöstern
▼ Lesen
• einfache, spielerische Sprache
▼ Preface of the Ship of Fools
• the world has degenerated, the fools are everywhere , the Bible is no longer respected, the world sinks into a dark night
• who will have to go in the boat? •
many fools rush onto the ship and everyone wants to be the captain
• "I've added pictures, for those who can not read"
• I have called it fools the mirror, and everyone should know himself
▼ Z. 85 and following what he says about himself? • Humble
- "I hope the reader more sense than me and my feeble poem"
• There are also many fools "they also get a dunce cap," says
▼ What is the prologue? •
are all fools / it is human to be a fool to
• he can recognize fools, only fools fool can see he is
▼ himself a fool? problematic discussion
• "even as I sit forward in the ship" Section 1
• normal as he does not say "I"
• deciding who is a fool, overbearing, arrogant
• he is a fool, but recognizes the error
• jester : inviolable, could Critics say, were smart, played the fool
we all mad
• • possibly a tool the people have to be kept down?
• ▼ Chapter 1
he sits in front of the ship
• he has many books, but she has not read
• Ptolemy has all the books in the world
• "who is much studied a dreamer"
• he has dog ears, but they are hidden: even an educated man can be a fool And the author is a fool, and the reader feel not be personally attacked because He is one of them is
▼ modern the text of Ackermann?
• Ackermann (1401) is older but modern language
• Narrenschiff (1495) were younger but older language ; see monophthongization / diphthongisation (wibern of the evil ")
• language change happens very different
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Can I Masterbate At 35 Weeks Pregnant
Please do not worry about losing the whole text of the "Ship of Fools" is too much. Of course, you should read as much as you can. In any case, you should read for this session: the preface, Chapter 1 for (from useless books), Chapter 18 (The service two men), 27 (from useless studies), 34, 64, 65, 66 Next week we will read another chapter.
questions while reading, what could have been for a man Sebastian Brant. The opinions expressed in the research apart - why?
then! rl
Oil Tanker Parts Sketch
TEXT: Sebastian Brant: The Ship of Fools
AUDIO: Chris Walter: letters of identical words
AUDIO: language change in the morphology
AUDIO: concept of education, humanism Latin vs. German
AUDIO: conjunctions and prepositions
AUDIO: syntax
TEXT: Stefan Elit, "I" was. Literatures at problem Horizonte subjectivity in texts.