Protocol - 7 March 2007
with the right hand of Zac Sullivan wrote
Two words for gluttony in German:
gluttony - theological
gluttony - Gluttony
Luther was a great Influence, but less innovative than is sometimes thought. He came from Thuringia, used a firm language - the Prague office of language. Ackermann from Bohemia (~ 1501) was Prague office of language. Non-creator of the language, but the further development, dissemination, catalyzing the "Teutonic" language.
The compensation process began with law firms.
Erasmus of Rotterdam has collected a critical issue of different versions of the Bible. St. Jerome translated
was responsible for the Vulgate.
The Septuagint was the Greek translation of the Old Testament.
The Vulgate Bible was the Latin text. The Vulgate was translated from Greek and Hebrew.
Wulfila - NT (not complete), from the Latin Gothic. The only surviving Gothic document. The Bible is Wulfila in Uppsala Sweden. In the 30 years war, the Codez Argenteus brought to Sweden.
There were a few (about 18) translations of the Bible before Luther (the first was 1476), but they were Latinized German.
"heretic" means "heretic."
William Tyndale - translated lived in Wittenberg, was burned.
John Wycliffe - 14th Century ago Tyndale had translated the Bible. ", 44 years after his death, his Gebeine auf Anweisung des Papstes exhumiert und verbrannt.“ –
Johannes Hus hatte die Bibel ins Tschechische übersetzt, wurde auch verbrannt.
Wir müssen Tode geschichtler Personen und ihren Schmerz besonders ernst nehmen.
Wort für Wort wurde die Bibel oft übersetzt. Die Übersetzter waren vorsichtig, weil es wichtige Arbeit war, mit dem Wort Gottes zu arbeiten.
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Idee der Reformation: Man kann es selbst machen – selbst beten, selbst lesen, man braucht nur die Gnade Gottes.
Diese waren die Ablaßwahlspruche zu der Zeit Luthers:
„Sobald das Geld im Kasten klingt,
die Seele in den Himmel springt.“ – Johann Tetzel
Andere Version:
„Wenn das Geld im Kasten klingt,
die Seele aus dem Fegfeuer springt.“
Luther war ein Augustinermönch.
Nur durch Glauben kann man erlöst werden, meinte Luther. Das war sein Hauptpunkt, von seiner Exegese des Römerbriefs. Man kann seinen Weg in den Himmel nicht erkaufen. Luther war der Hauptkritiker der Kirche & einer von den drei Hauptfiguren gegen die katholische Kirche. Die anderen zwei: Zwingli, Calvin.
Die Vulgata hat Luther mit den hebräischen & griechischen Texten verglichen.
Im Kurs wird viel von Luther geredet.
Some have regarded Luther as a "man of the people".
"Catholic" was the only "universal," & it was really up to the time of the Reformation, only one church. Luther was exiled (exkommunikiert).
Luther was neither poor nor rich. His father wanted his son to the lawyers but was somehow never is what came of it. Luther was on a horse in a storm, and he prayed at St. Anna: "I'll let me live and a monk"
Anyway, that's the legend. Maybe he did it to be not only a lawyer. Maybe he has not actually done. Maybe it was a lie.
Reuchlin was professor of Hebrew.
The Epistle of Delme Chen.
Why is this letter important? - Compsfrage
The letter explains Luther linguistic matters, but actually writes Importantly, the first theory of translation.
A good translation can be understood by all (not only for the educated).
Modern examples are therefore perhaps "The Message" - in everyday English, or German is a good example for "The Big Boss," who is described as "Extreme Teen Bible.": This is the old "outrageous religious." Testament and ist nach Peters Meinung, amüsant zu lesen.
Vor 20 Jahren konnte man das Wort „geil“ kaum aussprechen. Heutzutage gibt’s Reklame von dem Goethe Institut mit dem Wort darauf.
Diskussion von Sendbrief von Dolmetschen
Luther war schon berühmt zur Zeit des Schreibens.
„Alle Papisten sind Esel.“ – Dr. Lazda, scherzend.
Luthers NT 1522 war sofort ein Bestseller.
Die Katholiken hatten Luthers Übersetzung genommen & eine katholische Version gemacht, und das Vorwort geändert.
Luther war ziemlich frech. Luther war rhetorisch sehr begabt.
War sagt Luther über Übersetzen? – Maybe good Compsfrage
answer to the question: He says he can on his "best assets" to make, but his translation is not the best. Later editions, he tried to improve it. On the one hand, he is humble, but he is annoyed that the Church's translation unauthorized recordings, but he finds it not true that he is condemned by the Papists. Luther admits fallibility. He concedes that the errors belong to him. It is his work with his scientific approach.
Albrecht Dürer was the first publishing rights in Germany because his work was popular.
Who does something, has many critics. Luther used many proverbs and characterized.
Luther used by farmers, artisans, carpenters and language.
"barrel of beer" - or "bag of money"
If you make a translation, you have to make them relevant to the time, possibly with silly examples of TV or Internet or MTV, etc. The text of the
Send letter sounds modern and understandable, but the examples are outdated. At that time the German Luther was super modern.
"To the mouth" look. The language of a translation should be engaging to readers.
"losing the anointing."
Luther has introduced many proverbs, coined new words (coined). He continues to look again and again. But
- Würzwörter - flavoring participles - "not at all," etc. They are Würzwörter of Luther and the German's is a lot. He tried the words in the Upper & Lower Germans could be understood.
Compsfrage: What can you say about the Epistle of interpreting?
repetition: Luther was not the creator of the language, but the improvers of the language. If a question about this? "Guaranteed," says Dr. Lazda.
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