-purpose, a discussion of Dürer
- "Underweysung of measuring"
-objectivity in art
- Venus of Wllendorf (proportions, what is "attractive")
-Ansel Adams
- colonial look - taking possession, imprinting one's own ideas
- with Edward Said's Orientalism connected
-Jakob reputation midwives book
- The body as a system
(- The Midwives book reminds me of this children's book , the books serve the same purpose, they say pregnancy and birth, and present the world as a scientific and regular)
- "ad fontes" - Hippocrates, Galen, for example
- the man is microcosm, the world is the macrocosm
- four humors: blood, phlegm, black bile, yellow bile, is the goal of balance in the body (one was let off blood to reach equilibrium).
- seasons, age affect the juices astrology
-time, a discussion on medical terminology and the American propensity for neutral words ...
-after the death of his works were widely disseminated; in life he was criticized.
-huge influence on the German language:
- one of the first who wrote in German
- in addition to Luther's writings was his writings, the most widely read
- "Doctor Paracelsi preface in the first treaty" - a justification of his
ideas - has soften, false doctors
- Specialization
of his profession - medicine as a science or art instead Glaubnis
- every disease has a cause-
eingefeindet He was very strong because his ideas were dangerous ...
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